Monday, November 5, 2012

Final Project "The Inner Landscape or What does your subconscious look like"

"Art is a journey into the most unknown thing of all - oneself."
_ Louis Kahan

"There's a state of slumber that is not sleep and one sort of truth that comes out of us, and which is not a dream, nor a reverie. The mouth's guard is asleep and words emerge that one would otherwise not allow to emerge if that guard were not asleep "
_Jean Cocteau

Tuesday, December 4
6 x 6 ft or larger
Any, a combination of or all of the supplies on the list (but it must be in color/ no black + white 


You are to make a drawing:
  1. Where meaning, linear thought, logic and reason are not welcome. Things might make sense but don't rely on logic to think of imagery, let your imagination, intuition and choice of imagery drive your eyes.
  2. Think as if you were composing a dream filled with abstractions and surreal imagery.
  3. There must be at least one whole figure (head to toe) life size or larger and two objects drawn from observation. Besides these you may draw figures, objects and spaces or whatever else utilizing disparate sources (photos, projections, rubbings, etc).
  4. Bring imagery that you might not comprehend its significance but that you might have certain affinities and/or attraction toward.
  5. Use Neo Rauch (images below) as a guide to think of composition, ideas and possibilities:

In looking at Neo Rauch think of:

  • The figure and its relationship to its surrounding
  • Architecture and the psychology of the interior and exterior
  • Text
  • Objects
  • Activities
  • Foreground/Background
  • Appropriation and juxtaposition of disparate imagery and context

Neo Rauch


Neo Rauch
Giorgio de Chirico
Maya Deren
Rene Magritte
Max Ernst
Yves Tanguy
Remedios Varo
Francis Picabia
Man Ray
Kay Sage
Francesco Clemente
Jean Cocteau
Enzo Cucchi
Dorothea Tanning
Francis Bacon
André Breton
Carl Jung
Sigmund Freud
Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1973 "The Holy Mountain"
Jean Cocteau's "Orpheus"
Your own dreams

Examples of Students' Past work

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